Wednesday, November 10, 2010

F-Bombs, A Chip Butty, And Asteroids!

         So I tend to check out  this awesome website Nerdgasm! and today in the breaking news they have discovered the second largest asteroid impact site in Australia! It was discovered in some sedimentary rock and they believe it to be about 300 million years old! How exciting.

         This past Monday I attempted to make Australian style meatpies for my Aussie. They turned into a total and complete fail. I tried to get super fancy. The meat for the pies was so insanely chewy that it had to be tossed to the dogs. At least Curly, Little Girl, and Junior had something super tasty to eat. I was telling my Aussie about it and he said I just need to remember K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid.

          So this next Monday, hopefully, if we can figure it all out, he thinks I could just come over and cook at the house. I will redeem myself and those terrible meatpies! He is going to witness my inner Julia Child come out. Only with a few "Oh fuck me" thrown in for good measure. "Oh fuck me" is one of my catch phrases that I tend to use all the time. It is a phrase that tends to get all the emotions I am feeling out at once. Seriously more people should use it. The reactions I get when I say it are a wide variety. Sometimes even hilarious. " I was planning on it."

      You could totally see Julia Child saying "oh fuck me" with that meat hammer.

Next time my Aussie ask me if I would like a chip butty I am going to say yes. The more I look at them the more awesome they seem. Run off and make one right now. They are magic. Seriously.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Curry? Why you hardly know me!

So next week I will be making an election day curry for my Australian.
Though, it being election day is pretty irrelevant since curry is Indian and my Australian can't even vote here.
I have been looking for a wonderful spicy red curry to make. Red is a third of the colours for 'Merica.
That was a really long stretch.
Also, I am trying to find the perfect recipe for Steak and Guinness pie for above mentioned Australian.
The holidays are coming up and want to make him something special. It is great future housewife practice for if I ever trick some guy into tying the knot. Or just tricking a guy with a silly accent into leaving his wife for me. I am looking at you Jamie Oliver.

In other news, I might give up my love of all things rocks and rocks related. See ya later obsidian. For a nursing program in hopes of getting into the Peace Corps or citizenship into whatever country I feel like taking over at the time. (Australia)

I think I would look totally awesome.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Australians and Greek Pizza

So I am making my Aussie pizza and chocolate honey cake this week.

My original plan was to make a Greek pizza with feta, sundried tomatos, and artichokes.
Turns out my Aussie doesn't like any of that.
So much for plan A.
So for plan B, I am still making a Greek pizza for myself. He is getting a suprise.

Chocolate Honey cake.
Basically my three all time favourite things in this entire world thrown into one.
Only I won't be adding the stupid bees on top.
I guess if he really wanted them for some reason I would.

So I got a wedding magazine in the mail yesterday.Which got me thinking if I decide for whatever stupid reason I do get married I want to honeymoon in Budapest. It has nothing to do with dogs, rocks, or culinary adventures. I just remember listening to an NPR special with my Papa D about how much of a lovely place it is.
Wish me luck on this pizza adventure.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Italian cooking and Chihuahuas

Next time I make dinner for someone this is the general plan of attack...
with this for dessert

and a bottle or two of cheap wine. Since that is how I roll.
Hopefully they like it. I always sound like an old Jewish mother making sure everyone is well fed. I might as well be walking around saying "Eat. Eat. You're too skinny!" to everyone.
I really do love cooking for people. Though the process of me cooking is a lot like the steps of dealing with a death.
1. Denial- They don't want me to cook for them.
2.Anger- What the fuck did I get myself into. I really can't believe this.
3.Bargaining- Okay. If I change my plan of action it will all work out. Maybe.
4.Depression- What I made is the worst thing in the entire world. It is a complete failure.
5. Acceptance- Wow. That was actually tons of fun. Can't wait to cook again.
Then the cycle continues over and over again.

In the dog world.

Chihuahuas are NOT my friends. They all hate me. I get bit by those dumb little dogs every time I see one.  They look like they have water on the brain. Big bug eyes. Shaking like a crackhead on the street. I try to be nice to them. I love all animals and would never be mean to one but they are getting on my last nerve. How much can I take?
On the positive side of the dog world

Shih Tzu dogs LOVE me. And I am really starting to grow fond of them as well.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

English countryside and French Bulldogs.

I am back on my French Bulldog kick. How are they not the cutest things in the entire world? There are only 8 that come into the Petsmart grooming salon and the other day there were two! It just reminded me of how much I love them.  Also, the new Martha Stewart Living came in the mail and she always puts pictures of her two Frenchies in  the magazine somewhere. I really wish I had the kind of money needed to buy one. Or two. Or ten. $800 dollars is a hefty amount to spend on a pet when I really want to travel around the world.
Maybe someday. Until then, I guess I will just plot how to take some of the ones home from work.
I really want to get out of the United States for a while. Like always, I wanted to go to Australia for a while. Forever. But was advised against it by an Australian until the current economic situation is over. So now I have moved on to wanting to head out to the English Countryside. I really don't like the country at all. At least the country in America, but something about the English Countryside has an appeal. Another issue though is I wouldn't know what to do with myself once I got there. If only I could survive on charm alone I would be fine. I feel the need for some wild adventure away from Texas. I am not really sure how much longer I could live here. Some people go crazy after only living here a few years, I am going on 22. I am just really scared to go out of the country on my own. There are no big rewards without taking big risk though. So I might as well just jump and see what happens.

Plus there are some really interesting rock formations I would like to see in person.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

In search of a meat pie recipe...

I never actually go by recipes when I cook. When I do things more often than not turn into a complete and total disaster. Like my go at Tandoori Chicken. Bad idea. Though it eventually turned into an okay creamed chicken curry.
So this time around I want to make "authentic" Australian Meat Pies.

I don't know exactly how authentic they would be if I made them. Since I am in no way Australian. But I have kissed at least three. So that should count for something I guess.
I also plan on making another batch of Lamingtons.

Which should look like that. But the ones I made the first time looked like a train wreck. They were Australian approved.

In the dog world, I will be sent off to grooming academy in the spring. How exciting. I really couldn't say no to the offer since Petsmart pays for it and pays me to go. It also means that I will have a job for the next two years as stated in the contract with 40 hours a week. A groomer the other night told me I shouldn't be so submissive and that I would never make it as a dominatrix. I don't know how I feel about that.
I really am a big push over though.

Did you know Schnauzers were used for guarding breweries, wheat crops, and pubs? Any dog that guards my beer is a friend of mine. They didn't use super cute mini Schnauzers. But still.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Plate Tectonics and Vegemite.

           Today in Environmental Geology we are learning about Plate Tectonics. This is my third time learning about them and at this point I am really tired of them. These people in my class have never taken a Geology class before so they insist on asking really terrible questions. California will NOT fall into the ocean please stop asking. I am starting to wonder if they believe if they ask enough times if it will come true. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is exactly where it sounds like it should be. In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Convergent faults come together divergent faults pull apart. Easy as pie.
             So right now I am googling new wild and exciting recipes to try out. Yesterday I bought two small jars of Vegemite for my Australian friend S since they are on sale at The World Market for $4.99 a jar. I tried Vegemite not that long ago. It wasn't nearly has horrid as I had been told to believe many times before. It certainly isn't my favourite by any means. The point being now I am looking at these recipes that use Vegemite as a marinate with honey. I might actually give it a go. I just need someone willing to try it with me.
