Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Italian cooking and Chihuahuas

Next time I make dinner for someone this is the general plan of attack...
with this for dessert

and a bottle or two of cheap wine. Since that is how I roll.
Hopefully they like it. I always sound like an old Jewish mother making sure everyone is well fed. I might as well be walking around saying "Eat. Eat. You're too skinny!" to everyone.
I really do love cooking for people. Though the process of me cooking is a lot like the steps of dealing with a death.
1. Denial- They don't want me to cook for them.
2.Anger- What the fuck did I get myself into. I really can't believe this.
3.Bargaining- Okay. If I change my plan of action it will all work out. Maybe.
4.Depression- What I made is the worst thing in the entire world. It is a complete failure.
5. Acceptance- Wow. That was actually tons of fun. Can't wait to cook again.
Then the cycle continues over and over again.

In the dog world.

Chihuahuas are NOT my friends. They all hate me. I get bit by those dumb little dogs every time I see one.  They look like they have water on the brain. Big bug eyes. Shaking like a crackhead on the street. I try to be nice to them. I love all animals and would never be mean to one but they are getting on my last nerve. How much can I take?
On the positive side of the dog world

Shih Tzu dogs LOVE me. And I am really starting to grow fond of them as well.


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