Thursday, September 9, 2010

Plate Tectonics and Vegemite.

           Today in Environmental Geology we are learning about Plate Tectonics. This is my third time learning about them and at this point I am really tired of them. These people in my class have never taken a Geology class before so they insist on asking really terrible questions. California will NOT fall into the ocean please stop asking. I am starting to wonder if they believe if they ask enough times if it will come true. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is exactly where it sounds like it should be. In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Convergent faults come together divergent faults pull apart. Easy as pie.
             So right now I am googling new wild and exciting recipes to try out. Yesterday I bought two small jars of Vegemite for my Australian friend S since they are on sale at The World Market for $4.99 a jar. I tried Vegemite not that long ago. It wasn't nearly has horrid as I had been told to believe many times before. It certainly isn't my favourite by any means. The point being now I am looking at these recipes that use Vegemite as a marinate with honey. I might actually give it a go. I just need someone willing to try it with me.


1 comment:

  1. And I thought Cali was going to sink into the ocean.....
