Thursday, September 16, 2010

In search of a meat pie recipe...

I never actually go by recipes when I cook. When I do things more often than not turn into a complete and total disaster. Like my go at Tandoori Chicken. Bad idea. Though it eventually turned into an okay creamed chicken curry.
So this time around I want to make "authentic" Australian Meat Pies.

I don't know exactly how authentic they would be if I made them. Since I am in no way Australian. But I have kissed at least three. So that should count for something I guess.
I also plan on making another batch of Lamingtons.

Which should look like that. But the ones I made the first time looked like a train wreck. They were Australian approved.

In the dog world, I will be sent off to grooming academy in the spring. How exciting. I really couldn't say no to the offer since Petsmart pays for it and pays me to go. It also means that I will have a job for the next two years as stated in the contract with 40 hours a week. A groomer the other night told me I shouldn't be so submissive and that I would never make it as a dominatrix. I don't know how I feel about that.
I really am a big push over though.

Did you know Schnauzers were used for guarding breweries, wheat crops, and pubs? Any dog that guards my beer is a friend of mine. They didn't use super cute mini Schnauzers. But still.


1 comment:

  1. maybe she meant "dogamatrix" so you can keep those huskies in line
