Tuesday, September 21, 2010

English countryside and French Bulldogs.

I am back on my French Bulldog kick. How are they not the cutest things in the entire world? There are only 8 that come into the Petsmart grooming salon and the other day there were two! It just reminded me of how much I love them.  Also, the new Martha Stewart Living came in the mail and she always puts pictures of her two Frenchies in  the magazine somewhere. I really wish I had the kind of money needed to buy one. Or two. Or ten. $800 dollars is a hefty amount to spend on a pet when I really want to travel around the world.
Maybe someday. Until then, I guess I will just plot how to take some of the ones home from work.
I really want to get out of the United States for a while. Like always, I wanted to go to Australia for a while. Forever. But was advised against it by an Australian until the current economic situation is over. So now I have moved on to wanting to head out to the English Countryside. I really don't like the country at all. At least the country in America, but something about the English Countryside has an appeal. Another issue though is I wouldn't know what to do with myself once I got there. If only I could survive on charm alone I would be fine. I feel the need for some wild adventure away from Texas. I am not really sure how much longer I could live here. Some people go crazy after only living here a few years, I am going on 22. I am just really scared to go out of the country on my own. There are no big rewards without taking big risk though. So I might as well just jump and see what happens.

Plus there are some really interesting rock formations I would like to see in person.


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