Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Australians and Greek Pizza

So I am making my Aussie pizza and chocolate honey cake this week.

My original plan was to make a Greek pizza with feta, sundried tomatos, and artichokes.
Turns out my Aussie doesn't like any of that.
So much for plan A.
So for plan B, I am still making a Greek pizza for myself. He is getting a suprise.

Chocolate Honey cake.
Basically my three all time favourite things in this entire world thrown into one.
Only I won't be adding the stupid bees on top.
I guess if he really wanted them for some reason I would.

So I got a wedding magazine in the mail yesterday.Which got me thinking if I decide for whatever stupid reason I do get married I want to honeymoon in Budapest. It has nothing to do with dogs, rocks, or culinary adventures. I just remember listening to an NPR special with my Papa D about how much of a lovely place it is.
Wish me luck on this pizza adventure.

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