Wednesday, November 10, 2010

F-Bombs, A Chip Butty, And Asteroids!

         So I tend to check out  this awesome website Nerdgasm! and today in the breaking news they have discovered the second largest asteroid impact site in Australia! It was discovered in some sedimentary rock and they believe it to be about 300 million years old! How exciting.

         This past Monday I attempted to make Australian style meatpies for my Aussie. They turned into a total and complete fail. I tried to get super fancy. The meat for the pies was so insanely chewy that it had to be tossed to the dogs. At least Curly, Little Girl, and Junior had something super tasty to eat. I was telling my Aussie about it and he said I just need to remember K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid.

          So this next Monday, hopefully, if we can figure it all out, he thinks I could just come over and cook at the house. I will redeem myself and those terrible meatpies! He is going to witness my inner Julia Child come out. Only with a few "Oh fuck me" thrown in for good measure. "Oh fuck me" is one of my catch phrases that I tend to use all the time. It is a phrase that tends to get all the emotions I am feeling out at once. Seriously more people should use it. The reactions I get when I say it are a wide variety. Sometimes even hilarious. " I was planning on it."

      You could totally see Julia Child saying "oh fuck me" with that meat hammer.

Next time my Aussie ask me if I would like a chip butty I am going to say yes. The more I look at them the more awesome they seem. Run off and make one right now. They are magic. Seriously.

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