Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Curry? Why you hardly know me!

So next week I will be making an election day curry for my Australian.
Though, it being election day is pretty irrelevant since curry is Indian and my Australian can't even vote here.
I have been looking for a wonderful spicy red curry to make. Red is a third of the colours for 'Merica.
That was a really long stretch.
Also, I am trying to find the perfect recipe for Steak and Guinness pie for above mentioned Australian.
The holidays are coming up and want to make him something special. It is great future housewife practice for if I ever trick some guy into tying the knot. Or just tricking a guy with a silly accent into leaving his wife for me. I am looking at you Jamie Oliver.

In other news, I might give up my love of all things rocks and rocks related. See ya later obsidian. For a nursing program in hopes of getting into the Peace Corps or citizenship into whatever country I feel like taking over at the time. (Australia)

I think I would look totally awesome.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Australians and Greek Pizza

So I am making my Aussie pizza and chocolate honey cake this week.

My original plan was to make a Greek pizza with feta, sundried tomatos, and artichokes.
Turns out my Aussie doesn't like any of that.
So much for plan A.
So for plan B, I am still making a Greek pizza for myself. He is getting a suprise.

Chocolate Honey cake.
Basically my three all time favourite things in this entire world thrown into one.
Only I won't be adding the stupid bees on top.
I guess if he really wanted them for some reason I would.

So I got a wedding magazine in the mail yesterday.Which got me thinking if I decide for whatever stupid reason I do get married I want to honeymoon in Budapest. It has nothing to do with dogs, rocks, or culinary adventures. I just remember listening to an NPR special with my Papa D about how much of a lovely place it is.
Wish me luck on this pizza adventure.